Appointment call : 040-23347657 / 040-35818293 / 9985837657

Pediatric IP Services

  • Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU):
    • Critical care services for seriously ill or injured children.
    • Advanced monitoring and life support equipment.
  • General Pediatric Wards:
    • Inpatient units for the care of children with various medical conditions.
    • Round-the-clock nursing care.
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU):
    • Specialized care for newborns, especially those born prematurely or with health complications.
    • Neonatal surgery and intensive monitoring.
  • Pediatric Surgery:
    • Surgical interventions for a wide range of conditions, including congenital anomalies, trauma, and tumors.
    • Preoperative and postoperative care.
  • Pediatric Subspecialties:
    • Specialized care from pediatric subspecialists, such as pediatric cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, and others.
    • Collaborative care for complex medical conditions.
  • Pediatric Radiology:
    • Diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs tailored for pediatric patients.
    • Interventional radiology procedures.
  • Pediatric Laboratory Services:
    • Comprehensive laboratory testing for diagnosing and monitoring conditions.
    • Blood tests, cultures, and other diagnostic procedures.
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation Services:
    • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology for children with physical or developmental challenges.
    • Rehabilitation after surgery or serious illness.
  • Nutritional Services:
    • Nutritional assessment and support for children with feeding difficulties or specific dietary needs.
    • Enteral or parenteral nutrition when necessary.
  • Child Life Services:
    • Play and recreational activities to help children cope with hospitalization.
    • Emotional and psychological support for pediatric patients and their families.
  • Social Work and Case Management:
    • Assistance with social and financial challenges.
    • Coordination of care and discharge planning.
  • Educational Services:
    • Coordination with teachers for children who require extended hospital stays.
    • Support for continuing education during hospitalization.
  • Pharmacy Services:
    • Pediatric pharmacy services providing appropriate medications and dosages for children.
    • Pharmacists working closely with healthcare teams.
  • Respiratory Therapy:
    • Management of respiratory conditions and support for children requiring respiratory interventions.
    • Ventilator support and oxygen therapy.